Mhfu Custom Quest Creator

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  1. Dragon Quest Creators
  2. Mhfu Custom Quest Creator 2

MHFUPH Frequenty Asked Questions (FAQ) v1.5.1 (English Translation)

What is MHFUPH? (complete english Translation)

We are one community composed of hunters who started few and continued our endeavors here at facebook.

Using preset or custom characters, set up worlds in which you control the plot, action, and difficulty of the game. A variety of graphic images are included for you to use with Quest Creator such as these enemies: slimes, orcs, goblins, ogres, trolls, skeletons, zombies, dragons, and many, many more. Over the weekend, Monster Hunter World players experienced a longstanding truism among games with custom protagonists: the face you spend tons of time scrutinizing and perfecting in the character.

Ourgoal is to build a camaraderie, best in our huntmanship and help fellowhunters meet other as well through common interest and as one.

We abide by our simple hunting rules, as a whole, to unite each other perception as one and all in this fan page.

We are inviting all players of Monster Hunter to this page, Welcome to MHFUPH! :D

*for tagalog faq, Click here!

MHFUPH General Posting Questions

Q: We strictly prohibit cursing in this page?

A:We all know that your parents thought you the basic respect and forbidyou to use profanity in this page. We respect you as and individualandyou are respected as well in the same way.

Q: Are we not allowed to use text speak here?(as common in the philippines, we do not allow text language posting in this page).

A:We dont encourage hunters and visitors in our page to use text speak inthe sole reason that /other individuals dont want other people readingor to misunderstand or tend to misinterpret your post/threads. We arethought and literate enough to read, so why not communicate in theproper manner to avoid confusion.

Q: What is Spamming, Flaming, Flooding?

A:ASpamming is posting unsolicited, unwanted, nonsense topics about thesame thing. Flaming is Arguing or saying bad things about other peopleposting in this thread with undaunted and unbiased personal opinions.

Q: Is cheating not allowed or using third party programs?

A:Its completely up to you, whether you want your savefile to becorrupted because of using such thrid party programs. But we dontHIGHLY recommend or advice the use of third party programs. And we dontwant posting cheats in our page,in forms of discussion etc. becausethere are plenty of hunters/huntresses who doesnt tolerate it, eitherthey lose respect to other members or people vice versa.

Q: Am i going to get banned if i do this? (Cheating or a.k.a CWCHEAT)

A:Possible. Everything is done through justifiable means. If you regretwhat wrong doings that you have done and asked for a redemption or a2nd chance, then by all means it would greatly change your own opinion.(not ours). We all know that we commit mistakes. and we are justhumans, and forgiven too.

Q: Are we allowed to post pictures of my character or our hunting times?

A:We HIGHLY recommend/suggest that you upload your screenshots so thatother hunters are able to see. It would be better if you post your ownlink or to your account then post your link to our wall. We dontencourage posting multiple pictures its because it will consumemultiple/ entire page rather than just posting one link.

Dragon Quest Creators

Q: Who are the admins in this page?

A:Admin Raymund (/Raymund) - is our founder and started this page. Oursole reason why a bridge was made to our fellow filipino hunters andfriends alike.Admin Cy (-Shiru) - Our one and only admins whosforsees discipline and order is maintained in this page, cheaters andhunters alike.Admin Mark (-Admin Mark) - Is the one responsible for updating the site and judges fellow hunters for their own achievements.AdminKarlo (-Admin Kokoy) - Is the sole savior of those hunters who arecriticized and unjustly judged. Also responsible for Giving superpounds(Banhhamer)Admin Andrei(/Dre/) - Is one of the admins who give new ideas, and responsible for cleaning our fan page from unwanted and nonsense.AdminHakz (<Hakz>) - IS the one who is responsible foe maintaining therules and our page orderly like documents such as this one.. And last but not the least our newest Admin Egay (*Kegs) - 'The Legend'.

Region, Compatibility & Adhoc Sessions

Q: What is the difference of MHFU (Monster Hunter Freedom Unite) US version and EU Version? (United Staes and European

A: Region, compatibility And Savedata.

Q: How will I know if I have a US or a EU copy of the game?

A: IF you started the game and you see this message'This game contains scenes of explicit violence and gore'-it means its the European version,savedata is named ULES 01213

If you see rhis one,'Online interactions not rated by the ESRB'=it means its the US versionn,savedata is named ULUS10391 US/NA

Q: Can we play through adhoc if I have EURO version and the other has US version?

A:Basically, and simplest advise is to convert your savefile toUS version vice versa, because the game itself has a SSID that cannotbe decrypted and used with any other SSID besides itself.

Q: Who does the conversion?

A: Click here!

Q: I want to attend the adhoc sessions, Where is it held and when?

Mhfu Custom Quest Creator 2

A: Click here!

Monster Hunter Portable 3 Related

Q: What are the difference between MH3. MHF3 at MHP3?

A:MH3 is Hunter 3/Tri - it is released for Nintendo Wii. MHP3 (MonsterHunter portable 3rd) is the Japanese version of MHF3 (freedom)

Q: When is the release of Monter Hunter Portable 3rd?

A:No exact date, But it is expected to be released late quarter of thisyear, Rumors says its last week of October 2010 or last week December2010 (Japanese version), Monster hunter Freedom 3rd (english) will soonto follow after 1 year when the jap version is released.

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Game Faqs

Q: Where can I get this item?

A: Monster Carves

Q: Whats the use of armor skill and what is it for?

A: Armor Skills FAQ

Q: Is there a mixed armor/combination sets?

A: <ahref=''>Deviltrigger'sArmor Combo Library

Q: I want to complete my Guild Card awards, How can i obtain these specific awards?

A: Award Guide

Q: How can my Hunter Rank go up (HR up)?

A: HR Guide

PSP General Questions

Q: What is 'Custom quests' and how do i use it?

A: <ahref=''>Custom Quests Guide

Q: My analog stick is broken because of playing MHFU. How, where and how much does it cost to have it fixed?

A:There's alot of psp repair shops in NCR, nearby towns and regions. Wecan ask questions and post them at the page's wall regardingrecommended sellers and technicians that is located near your area.

Q: My file got corrupted. what should i do? Im going to start all over again. .

A: We recommend hunters to do BACKUPS as often as possible so that to avoid this for ever happening.

Q: How can i perform a backup?

A:Plug and connect your psp to your pc then copy your savedata to yourcomputer and/or upload to your email or you can backup it to yourmemory card by the use of A.F.T. (adhoc file transfer).

*ForFurther instructions about how to use AFT visit tenured hunters atadhoc sessions and ask them to teach you how to use it

Q: What are the savedata of MHFU?

Mhfu Custom Quest Creator

A: It's either ULES 01213 (EU) and (ULUS10391) US

Q: Where can I find the savedata?

A: X:/PSP/Savedata

Compiled by Hakz

Aug 02, 2010

English Translation by Grau

Aug 19, 2010


080210 --- v1.0 - Intial version

080210 --- v1.1 - Added Initial Questions and Page Photo

080810 --- V1.2 - Fixed carve guides link

080810 --- V1.3 - Fixed Rules and General Info

081510 --- V1.4 - Added Kegs @ Admin Info

082010 --- V2.0.1 - Created English Translation