Adobe Muse Media Queries Html

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Learn how to add and configure Facebook Like and Share, Tweet, Google Maps, YouTube, and other social content to your Adobe Muse websites.
Adobe Muse Media Queries Html

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  • The deliverables: Web designers produce static pages to sell the concept to their customers. Then, they need to share their work with web developers who will transform their design into a classic website with HTML, CSS, and JS. The breakpoints: Media Queries should be set when the design “breaks”.


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Media Queries Tutorial

Social widgets in Adobe Muse allow you to quickly and easily add social sharing and following tools in your website. It is possible to add social tools like Facebook like, Google Maps, Tweets, in a single click. Adobe Muse supports the following social widgets:

  • Adobe Muse Badge
  • Facebook Like
  • Facebook Follow
  • Facebook Comments
  • Google Maps
  • Google+
  • LinkedIn
  • PayPal
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter Follow
  • Twitter Tweet
  • Vimeo
  • Youtube
Adobe Muse Media Queries Html

To add a widget to your page, simply drag and place the widget from Window > Widgets Library > Social. Read the following article to know how to add and configure social widgets.

Adobe Muse Media Queries Html Free

Social widgets provide an easy way to configure custom HTML and embed it into your Adobe Muse pages. Most of the Web widgets provide functionality that is also available by embedding HTML from third-party websites. You can save time by adding and configuring the web content from within Adobe Muse, rather than generating the code outside the application and pasting it into Adobe Muse as embedded HTML.

To add a social widget to your Adobe Muse page, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the page where you want to add social widgets. Click Window > Widgets Library, and click Social.

  2. Drag the Social widget that you want to add, and then use the Selection tool to position it in the layout.

    Drag and place the social widget in Design View.
  3. Using the Selection tool, you can transform the selected widget by dragging its handles. You can also click-drag the center of the widget to reposition it alongside the other site elements.

  4. Notice a blue arrow at the upper-right corner of the widget. Click this arrow to open the Options panel. This panel allows you to configure social widgets.

    The Options panel can be accessed at any time by clicking the blue arrow at the upper-right corner of the widget, while the widget is selected.

    Click the blue arrow at the upper-right corner of the widget

    Read the following procedure to know how to configure each of the social widgets.

Media Queries Min And Max Width

Now that you have added social widgets to your page, the next step is to configure these widgets to suit your requirements. See the following procedure to learn how to configure each of the social widget in Adobe Muse.

  1. To configure the Adobe Muse Badge, drag and place the widget from Widgets Library > Social. Click the blue arrow at the upper-right corner of the widget. Select either Light or Dark from the Color Scheme field.

  2. The Facebook Like widget allows you to add a like box where visitors can view and visit the facebook page that is related to the site. To configure this widget, drag and place the Facebook Like widget from Widgets Library > Social. Click the blue arrow at the upper-right corner of the widget. You can configure the following options:

    • Action: Select either Like or Recommend from this field. Based on your selection, either the number of Likes or the number of recommendations is displayed.
    • Layout: You can choose either Standard, Button Count, or Box Count from this field. When you select Standard layout, the number of likes along with the words to encourage users to sign up, is displayed. When you select Button Count, only the number of likes or recommendations is displayed. Box Count layout displays the number of likes or recommendations as a square box.
    • Color Scheme: Select either Light or Dark color scheme for this widget.
    • URL to Like: Type the URL that a visitor should like. Select the Current Page check box if you want a site visitor to like the current page in the live site.
    • Show Send: Select this check box if you want the Share button to be displayed in addition to Like or Recommend.
  3. To configure the Facebook Follow widget, drag and place the widget from Widgets Library > Social. Click the blue arrow at the upper-right corner of the widget. You can then configure the following widgets:

    • Layout: Select Standard, Button Count, or Box Count to configure how you want to display the widget in the site.
    • Color Scheme: Select either Light or Dark theme for the widget.
    • Profile URL: Specify the Facebook profile URL that a site visitor should follow.
  4. To configure the Facebook Comments widget, drag and place the widget from Widgets Library > Social. Click the blue arrow at the upper-right corner of the widget. In the Options panel, you can configure the following options:

    • Show Mobile UI: Select this check box to display a different layout of the widget that is suitable for mobile screens.
    • Color Scheme: Select either Light or Dark color scheme for this widget.
    • Sort By: Select the Sort by option to sort comments based on date (oldest or newest), or based on social ranking.
    • Number of Posts: Specify the number of posts that you want to display on the site.
    • URL to Comment On: Specify the URL on which site visitors post comments. If you want to use the current Adobe Muse page as the URL, select the Current Page check box.
  5. To configure the Google Maps, drag and place the Google Maps widget from Widgets Library > Social. Click the blue arrow at the upper-right corner of the Google Maps widget. From the Options panel, you can configure the following settings:

    • Address: Add the address to specify the area displayed.
    • Map Kind: Select Roadmap or Satellite to choose either the road map view or the Google Earth satellite view. You can also select Hybrid or Terrain as the Map Kind.
    • Expand Pin Info: Select this check box to display the info window when a user clicks a marker on the map.
    • Zoom Level: Set the zoom level for your Google Maps.
  6. To configure the Google + widget, drag and place the widget in the Design View. Open the Options panel by clicking the blue arrow at the upper-right corner of the widget. You can then configure the following options:

    • Size: Select the size of the widget, how it should be displayed in the live site. Choose either Small, Medium, or Standard size.
    • Annotation: Select the position where you want to display the annotation text associated with this widget. You can place the annotation Inline, as a Bubble, or choose to not have any annotation.
    • URL: Specify the URL where you want visitors to go when they click this widget. Type the URL of the destination in this field, or select the Current Page check box if you want the destination to be the current page.
  7. To configure the LinkedIn widget, drag and place the widget in the Design View. Open the Options panel by clicking the blue arrow at the upper-right corner of the widget. You can then configure the following options:

    • URL to Share: Specify the URL that a visitor is taken to, when the visitor clicks the widget. You can either type the URL in the field, or select the Current Page check box.
    • Count: Specifies the connection count. Select Right or Top to select the display properties. You can also select None to not display the connection count.
  8. Set up online payment transactions using the PayPal widget. You can add a button to the page and then set up the associated fees to be transferred to a specified PayPal account via the account's email address. Click the blue arrow in the upper-right corner of the widget to configure the following settings.

    • Type: Choose one of the button types from this field. For example, Buy Now, View Cart, Add to Cart etc.
    • Button Image: Add an image file for your button. Click Add File to browse to the image file in your local computer. This field is enabled for Custom Buy, Custom Donate, Custom Add to Cart, and Custom View Cart button types.
    • Size: The size of the button as it appears in the live site. You can either choose small or large size.
    • Email to Pay: The email address of the recipient.
    • Amount: The amount in numeric amount in this field.
    • Currency: The currency in which you want the transaction to be made.
    • Item Name: The custom name of the item that you can specify.
    • Item Number: The number or code that you want to give to an item.
    • Tax Rate: The tax amount for an item.
    • Shipping Cost: The shipping cost for an item.
  9. To configure the Pinterest widget, drag and place the widget in your layout. Click the blue arrow at the upper-right corner of the widget to open the Options panel. You can configure the following options in this panel:

    • Button Type: Choose the button type that you want to display in the site. Select Pin It or Follow Me from this drop-down field.
    • Pinterest User Name: Specify the Pinterest user name in this field. This field is enabled only when you select Follow Me in the Button Type field.
    • Label: Specify the label name or the name that is displayed when you select Follow Me in the Button Type field.
  10. To configure the Twitter Follow widget, drag and place the widget in your layout. Click the blue arrow at the upper-right corner of the widget. Use the Options panel to configure the following options:

    • Follow @: Specify the Twitter handle in this field. By default, the value is displayed in the widget.
    • Size: Select either Medium or Large to display the widget in the size of your choice.
    • Show Username: Select this check box if you want to display the user name that you have specified in the widget.
  11. To configure the Twitter Tweet widget, drag and place the widget in your Adobe Muse page. Click the blue arrow at the upper-right corner of the widget. You can configure the following options from the Options panel:

    • Share URL: Specify the URL where the visitor is taken when the visitor clicks the widget. To use the current page in the live site as the destination, select the Current Page check box.
    • Size: Select either Medium or Large as the widget size.
    • Tweet Text: Specify the custom tweet text in this field.
    • Recommend @: Specify the Twitter handle or user name in this field.
    • Show Count: Select this check box if you want to display the numbers related to the tweet.
  12. To configure the Vimeo widget, add the widget from Widgets Library > Social. Click the blue arrow in the upper-right corner of the widget. In the Options panel, you can configure the following settings:

    • Video ID: Specify the ID for the video file here.
    • Video Control Color: Enter the hexadecimal code or select the desired color for the video controls from this field.
    • Show Portrait: Select this option if you want the portrait to be displayed as the background when the video plays.
    • Show Title: Select this option if you want to display the title for the video.
    • Show Byline: Select this option if you want the byline to be displayed in the video.
    • Autoplay: Select this option if the video should be played automatically in the live site.
    • Loop: Select this option if you want the video to play in a loop in the live site.
  13. To configure the Youtube widget, add the widget from Widgets Library > Social. Click the blue arrow in the upper-right corner of the widget. In the Options panel, you can configure the following settings:

    • Video ID: Enter the ID of the video that you want to add to your site.
    • Theme: Select either Light or Dark as the theme for this widget.
    • Progress Color: Select either white or red color for the progress bar.
    • Start Time: Specify the start time from where the video should be played in the site.
    • Show Controls: Select this option to display the control options in the Youtube video in your site.
    • Allow Fullscreen: Select this check box to allow users to view this video in the full screen mode.
    • Show Info: Select this option if you want to display the information about the video below the video.
    • Show Annotations: Select this option if you want the Annotations or layer texts to appear in the videos.
    • Autoplay: Select this option if you want the video to automatically play in the live site.
    • Show Related: Select this option if you want to display the related Youtube videos.
    • Loop: Select this option if you want the video to play continuously in a loop.

Twitter™ and Facebook posts are not covered under the terms of Creative Commons.

Adobe Muse Media Queries Html

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